I know it has been a while since I have made any posts on my blog, but that is quite simple, you see!
I have been taking tips from other painters, searching for excellent examples of painters on the web, in blogs, and so on.
Then - I have been working on incorporating those suggestions and ideas into my own painting skills for the last few months. As I get better and faster at painting, like some of those whom I have discovered, I will be able to paint and post closer together, as in 'real time!'
One of the sources of great inspiration that I have found is from one of the teachers of the
Sergei Andriaka Moscow Watercolor School, Kiryanova Viktoria Vladimirovna.
her Website is just in Russian, I have made a simple link here with the site translated by Google:
http://tinyurl.com/VictoriaArtist. Of course - you can use Google Translate to view here other pages if required, or just read in the native language.
I admire her pictures because she can create pictures on a par with some of the worlds greatest past and contemporary artists! When you see her pictures - you feel your are inside the room where the image exists in reality!
The other source of inspiration and information I have spent quite some time learning from and gathering tips and ideas from is the
Blog of Jacqueline Gnott. She has been very helpful in answering my emails, and with her help, and a local arts store, I have begun to do more to further improve my craft.
I have been very impressed with both her Quality and Speed of creating and posting new pictures, sometimes almost on a daily basis. As such - she has inspired me to be more committed to developing an eye to both quality, and speed, and there have been a few times I have been able to make a completed painting in just a few days already!
Copyright Lily Serj, and LilysWatercolorPaintings 2008-2011