Thursday, May 29, 2008

Amazing Watercolour

Watercolour is the most popular painting medium, with its unique delicacy and transparency capable of conjuring up the most fleeting and evanescent effects in nature. The fluidity of watercolour also makes it an exciting and unpredictable medium. For the inexperienced artist this element of uncertainty can be disconcerting at first, butt a timid and cautious approach only results in a weak, dry, overworked painting.

The secret of success with watercolour painting is to work boldly and with confidence. Once you learn to relax and let go of the reins, you will be delighted to find that very often the paint does much of the work for you; sometimes the most interesting and beautiful effects are achieved through a combination of accident and design. Watercolour may be occasionally irritating and frustrating, but it is never boring.

Copyright Lily Serj, and LilysWatercolorPaintings 2008-2011

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